Sea Sunset Photos from a Magical Week on Rabbit Island, Cambodia

Sunset with boys on a Boat Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Boys mooring a boat before the sun sets off Rabbit Island, Cambodia – Photo © Chris P King

What makes a magical travel experience for you? Spending a week on Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) in Cambodia, watching beautiful, mesmerising, spectacularly colourful sunsets over the sea was certainly one for me.

To accompany this collection of sea sunsets from Rabbit Island, I’ve found some sunset quotes. Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I enjoyed being there and taking them.

“An intense copper calm, like a universal yellow lotus, was more and more unfolding its noiseless measureless leaves upon the sea.”
― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick

Red and Orange Copper Sunset Over the Sea with Phu Quoc in the Background from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Copper coloured sunset from Rabbit Island with Phu Quoc on the distant horizon – Photo © Chris P King

“Sunset is so marvellous that even the sun itself watches it every day in the reflections of the infinite oceans!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

Pink Sunset on Blue Sea and Sky from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Calm blue Gulf of Thailand sea and sky with post sunset pink from Rabbit Island, Cambodia – Photo © Chris P King

“When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Purple Sea and Sunset at Phu Quoc Island from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Purple sea and sunset at Phu Quoc Island from Rabbit Island, Cambodia – Photo © Chris P King

“This unlikely story begins on a sea that was a blue dream, as colorful as blue-silk stockings, and beneath a sky as blue as the irises of children’s eyes. From the western half of the sky the sun was shying little golden disks at the sea–if you gazed intently enough you could see them skip from wave tip to wave tip until they joined a broad collar of golden coin that was collecting half a mile out and would eventually be a dazzling sunset.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, Flappers and Philosophers

Sunset on Calm Sea with Boats Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Golden sunset on a calm sea with boats off Rabbit Island, Cambodia – © Chris P King

“The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire.” – Pamela Hansford Johnson

Pastel Coloured Sea and Sunset at Phu Quoc from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Orange pastel coloured sea and sunset at Phu Quoc island from Rabbit Island, Cambodia – Photo © Chris P King

“Keep looking up! I learn from the past, dream about the future and look up. There’s nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day.” – Rachel Boston

Boys on Boat off Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia with Sunset

Boys mooring boat at sunset with pink and blue sea off Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay), Cambodia – Photo @ Chris P King

“When the sun is setting, leave whatever you are doing and watch it.” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

Sunset Across the Sea at Phu Quoc Island from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Sunset across the sea at Phu Quoc island from Rabbit Island, Cambodia – © Chris P King

“A large drop of sun lingered on the horizon and then dripped over and was gone, and the sky was brilliant over the spot where it had gone, and a torn cloud, like a bloody rag, hung over the spot of its going. And dusk crept over the sky from the eastern horizon, and darkness crept over the land from the east.” ― John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

Sunset with View of Beach, Headland, Boats and Sea at Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Sunset across the sea and land from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay), Cambodia – Photo © Chris P King

“The most beautiful sunset is when you have it with your beloved one and the most beautiful sunrise is quite the same.” ― Galina Nelson

Purple Sunset and Sea from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Purple sea and sunset with Phu Quoc island in the distant horizon from Rabbit Island, Cambodia – Photo © Chris P King

“If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God.” ― G.K. Chesterton

Golden Yellow Sunset and Boat from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Golden yellow sea and sunset with boy on boat from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay), Cambodia – Photo © Chris P King

“There’s never one sunrise the same or one sunset the same.”- Carlos Santana

Sunset at Phu Quoc on a Copper Sea from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Sunset at Phu Quoc island with copper coloured sea from Rabbit Island, Cambodia – © Chris P King

“The point is that when I see a sunset or a waterfall or something, for a split second it’s so great, because for a little bit I’m out of my brain, and it’s got nothing to do with me. I’m not trying to figure it out, you know what I mean? And I wonder if I can somehow find a way to maintain that mind stillness.” ― Chris Evans

Pink and Blue Sunset and Sea from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Pink and blue sea and sunset from Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay), Cambodia – © Chris P King

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” – Rabindranath Tagore

Sunset and Calm Sea with Phu Quoc in the Background Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay) Cambodia

Orange sunset at Phu Quoc island with calm sea from Rabbit Island, Cambodia – © Chris P King

“Get outside. Watch the sunrise. Watch the sunset. How does that make you feel? Does it make you feel big or tiny? Because there’s something good about feeling both.” – Amy Grant

Sea Sunset Photos from Rabbit Island and Sunset Quotes

If you enjoyed these sunset photos across the sea from Rabbit Island and want to relax in a way conveyed by the sunset quotes, I highly recommend visiting the island. You can find out more with our Rabbit Island, Cambodia travel guide.

It’s a wonderful place and I highly recommend it for kicking back for some time, one thing is for sure, you will not be disappointed with the sunsets.Can the health problem be caused by stress

Cambodia’s south coast is a perfect place for sharing sunsets with your loved one. Combined with a visit to Angkor Wat, it’s a romantic alternative for newlyweds. Discover why Cambodia is an ideal honeymoon destination at 101 Honeymoons.

How To Travel From Can Tho (Vietnam) To Kep, (Cambodia) via Rach Gia and Ha Tien

Vietnam to CambodiaDespite my best efforts to find out the best and quickest route to travel from Can Tho, Vietnam to Kep, Cambodia, I could not find any definite answers.

I thought, therefore, that I’d share my experience for other travellers who are taking the trip from Can Tho to Kep.

I took two buses and one moto taxi to do the trip, which took a total of eight hours. Contrary to what I thought before I set off, it was a smooth journey, with easy connections along the way.

Here’s how to get from Can Tho to Kep in one day.

Can Tho, Vietnam to Kep, Cambodia – Quick Links

Can Tho to Rach Gia by Bus

I reserved a seat on the Can Tho to Rach Gia bus via my hotel. They called this a ‘tourist bus’ which generally means this is more modern, cleaner and more often faster than ‘local’ buses.

At 7.30am I was picked up by an orange minibus. After a couple of more pick-ups we were taken to the Futa Phuong Trang office at the bus station in Can Tho.

I bought a ticket for 95,000 Vietnamese Dong to travel on the Futa Phuong Trang bus from Can Tho to Rach Gia.It was scheduled to leave at 8.00am, however, we departed at 8.15am.

After boarding the coach we were given a small bottle of water and a refreshing towelette. You can take local buses, however, I wanted to get to Kep as quickly as possible.

The journey time from Can to Rac Gia was just under three hours, which included the hotel pick-up, delayed departure and a 20 minute rest break along the way.

Arriving in Rac Gia – Moto Taxi Driver Shenanigans

As we embarked at Rac Gia, I encountered the only tricky part of the journey. Unfortunately, I was the only foreigner left to deal with the marauding swarm of moto taxi drivers.

I couldn’t get away from one insistent who was ushering me away and telling me I had to trarvel to another bus station five kilometres away, to get the bus to Rach Gia. I took on board his advice, smiled politely and ignored him.

He was not giving up, however, and continued to say ‘let’s go’ at least 10 times. Each time I smiled at him and firmly said that I was OK.

He was not going to give up that easily, no matter where I turned he was there in front of me. I got out Google Translate on my iphone and tried to communicate with a security guard followed by another moto taxi driver.

As it turned out the second driver spoke some English. Despite the best efforts of the first driver to continue his scam, I asked the second driver where I needed to go to catch my next bus. He pointed to the other side of the bus station.

Travel Tip: When dealing with moto taxi drivers at bus stations in Vietnam be polite and firm. Do not accept what they say, always get a second opinion from someone else.

When speaking to them always remain calm and keep smiling. Sometimes they offer useful advice, however, it’s also very common that they’re looking to make easy money from you.

Rach Gia to Ha Tien by Bus

The Futa Phuong Trang office instructed me to go to the Malinh Express counter to get a bus from Rac Gia to Ha Tien. At the Malinh Express office I bought a bus ticket from Rac Gia to Ha Tien for 65,000 Dong.

Whilst I waited for the bus, I saw a couple of local buses heading to Ha Tien. There are cheaper options available, however, you always need to weigh up time and convienience.

The Malinh Express mini-bus from Rach Gia to Ha Tien left on time. I’d been approximately one and half hours in Rach Gia before I’d departed.

The journey from Rach Gia to Ha Tien took two hours in total. On reaching Ha Tien, I knew it was just one transfer to complete the journey from Can Tho to Kep.

Ha Tien to Kep Moto Taxi

By the time we reached the Ha Tien bus station there was only a few of us left on the bus. I was the only foreigner, and was not surprised to see a scrum of taxi drivers waiting for me.

I started negotiating my onward journey to Kep, with the only English speaking taxi driver. I’d read about a difficult experience with the taxi drivers at Ha Tien, so to my surprise everything was agreed very quickly.

I agreed to pay $8 USD for the moto taxi from Ha Tien to Kep. I made it clear that I would not pay for any extras such as fuel or waiting time at the border.

Within minutes I was on the back of a moto heading towards Kep.

Ha Tien, Vietnam to Prek Chak, Cambodia Border Crossing

Ha Tien Vietnam and Cambodia Border

Ha Tien Vietnam border gate at the crossing with Prek Chak, Cambodia

The border crossing was straightforward. I went through the Vietnam gate at Ha Tien which only took a few minutes.

My moto taxi driver then ushered me on to walk towards the Cambodian border at Prek Chak. Just a few hundred metres later I arrived at the Cambodian side of the order.

I filled in the necessary forms and took it to the window to get my visa.

After handing over my passport, the immigration official requested a $30 USD fee, which was $5 USD more than I thought. I asked for a receipt, and quizzed the official on the $30 USD charge for my Cambodia visa.

I was told that the $5 USD was a stamping fee and that there was no receipts. After a long journey I was in no mood for arguing over the stamping fee, so paid the $30 USD.

After receiving my visa I started to walk away, when a Cambodian health official waved me to his counter.

I’d heard about this before, and thought it was a scam to get some more dollars from me. I made it clear that I was not going to pay.

The health official shone a light into my eyes, gave me the OK, and allowed me to get on my way. It was a slighly bizarre experience and am sure I would have been asked for money, had I not been clear I was not going to pay.

Ha Tien to Kep Moto Taxi

I got back on my moto taxi to continue my journey and we headed towards Kep. Immediately, I noticed that the roads were more basic in Cambodia.

The journey from the border to Kep despite the bumpy roads was a real treat. Everything felt more relaxed now, having crossed the border and travelling through beautiful Cambodian countryside.

My driver switched between pot-holed roads and dirt track country lanes to get to Kep. He had obviously done this route before and knew some short-cuts.

Just over an hour after I’d left Ha Tien, I arrived in Kep.

Welcome to Kep crab

The giant crab in the sea was a giveaway that I’d arrived in Kep!

I was happy to go with the flow whilst the moto taxi driver took me to a hotel as I didn’t have a booking. Within five minutes I’d accepted the room and paid my efficient and speedy moto taxi driver.How other drugs could interact with Kamarga

Travel Tip: Tuk-tuk and taxi drivers are more often than not useful if you need to find a hotel. It’s best to listen to what they recommend and reserve judgement until you arrive at the hotel.

The journey from Can Tho, Vietnam to Kep, Cambodia took a total of eight hours:

  • Can Tho to Rach Gia – three and a half hours by bus (including hotel pick up in Can Tho)
  • Rach Gia bus station – one and a half hours from arrival to departure on a different bus
  • Rach Gia to Ha Tien – two hours by bus
  • Ha Tien to Kep – one hour, including the border crossing

Have you done this journey? If so, how did you travel and how long did it take?